The National Historical Museums (SHM) manage a significant number of loans from the collections to exhibitions in Sweden and around the world. The process for requesting a loan for an exhibition is set out below.
Loans Policy
All loans from the collections are managed in accordance with SHM’s Loans Policy.
General Conditions of Loan
We kindly ask potential borrowers to read and sign SHM’s General Conditions for Loan.
General Conditions for Loan.pdf
The request should include:
- Name of the borrowing institution
- Exhibition title
- Exhibition dates (opening and closing dates, if known)
- Exhibition venue
- Scope of the exhibition, including why the borrower would like to include the requested objects.
- List of requested objects (including identifying numbers, if known). The list should be as detailed as possible to facilitate identification.
- Which SHM museum’s collections the requested objects belong to.
- Key staff contact details.
- Details of how the requested objects will be insured or indemnified.
- Invoicing details.
Include the completed Facilities Report and Security Report
In order to facilitate the loan process, please enclose a signed copy of SHM’s General Conditions of Loan, as well as completed and signed Facilities Report and Security Report, with your request.
Facilities report
Download the facilities report.pdf
Security report
Download the security report.pdf
Submitting a loan request
Loan requests should be made in writing and submitted to the Registrar, either via email: registrator@shm.se
or by post:
Statens historiska museer
Box 5428
114 84 Stockholm
Loan requests should be received no less than eight months before the exhibition is due to open. Requests for extensive loans should be made no less than 12 months before the exhibition is due to open. SHM may choose to reject loan requests submitted at too short notice.
What happens to the loan request?
A member of staff within the Department of Collections and Research will receive the loan request and act as case officer and main contact for the borrower. The borrower must agree to SHM’s General Conditions of Loan and complete SHM’s Facilities Report and Security Report (available to download above). If these documents are not enclosed with the loan request, the case officer will be in touch and ask the borrower to complete them. The purpose of the reports is to gather necessary information about security, environmental and display conditions. The information provided in the Security Report will be kept confidential.
The decision to grant or reject the loan request will be based on the information provided in the loan request and the completed reports in combination with SHM’s assessment of the requested objects. An estimation of when the borrower may expect a decision can be provided on request. The formal decision to grant or reject the loan request is made by the Head of Collections and Research. If a loan request is granted, the borrower will receive a loan agreement, which must be signed and returned to SHM.
Loan period
SHM will normally agree to a loan period of maximum five years. The loan may be renewed if SHM agrees to an extension.
The borrower is charged an administrative fee for the loan as well as an additional fee per object. The administrative fee for international loans is 4000 SEK, and the additional fee per object is 3000 SEK. In addition, SHM expects the borrower to cover all costs associated with the loan, such as conservation and transport costs as well as insurance.
Object Images
To request images of objects for marketing purposes, exhibition catalogue etc, please contact bilder@shm.se.
For any questions regarding loans from SHM’s collections, please contact the Registrar, registrator@shm.se